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 Land Acknowledgment 

Shimoshi NM is located on unceded sovereign lands of the Tewa people – specifically, the O’gah’poh geh Owingeh (White Shell, Water Place), known generally now as Santa Fe - New Mexico's capital. 

We commit to promoting the foundational legacies of this and the lands of other Tewa Pueblo Nations: Pojoaque, Tesuque, Nambe, and San Ildefonso. As such, Shimoshi NM actively seeks to non-extractively collaborate and participate with indigenous people who may directly influence our ways of knowing: ongoing data collection, processing, interpretation, and futures artifact design practices.

Particularly, we strive to integrate the “Seven Generations” principle as a key framework for considering concepts of holistic time and responsible intention, and in generating and expressing expansive narratives of multiple possible futures for us all. 

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